Hearing Health Blog

Group of paper plane in one direction and with one individual pointing in the different way, can be used leadership/individuality concepts. New idea, change, trend, courage, creative solution, innovation and unique way concept. Consider upgrading your hearing aids.

If you’re still using your older hearing aids, they may be better than no hearing aids, but they also may be costing you in some ways. Within the past few years, hearing aid technology has made significant progress. A decade ago many of the features of current hearing aids weren’t even on the drawing board, going digital for instance.

If you’re thinking about upgrading your hearing aids, there are a few things you’ll need to do in order to select the best ones for your needs. A hearing exam to identify how your hearing has changed will be required first. Your options will start to be narrowed down once we establish your current degree of hearing loss. Here are a few reasons why it’s most likely time for an upgrade.

Hearing aid reliability

Every once in a while you’ll get an aggravating buzz or other problems with older or low-quality hearing aids. What about when you go next to a phone and your hearing aids start to feedback? Occasionally, there’s a shrill feedback noise that seems to come out of nowhere, also. Your feedback will be significantly reduced with newer models which have functions that compensate for common issues.

Volume isn’t enough

Ten years ago hearing aids primarily specialized in fixing the volume. Hearing aids have a lot more technology and functionality nowadays.

  • Improved sound quality: Older hearing aid models had far lower quality of sound than modern-day models. Signal processing has become digital, which duplicates and amplifies sound in a more precise way. In addition, many hearing aids now offer features like multiple programs that can be customized to different listening environments.
  • Voice focus: With some newer models the user can use a voice focusing function that allows them to focus on particular voices they want to hear. The sound of the desired voice is detected and amplified by directionally set microphones. When somebody is speaking quietly or in a loud setting, voice focus can be quite helpful.
  • Background noise reduction: Feedback nullification, noise filters, and directional microphones are some of the many strategies utilized by modern hearing aids. Noise filters minimize unwanted noise while directional microphones are made to focus on sound directly in front of you. Feedback cancellation helps to counter the whistling sound that can take place when hearing aids are not fitted properly.
  • Bluetooth capability: This feature allows hearing aids to connect to other devices, including smartphones, TVs, and other smart devices. Making phone calls or listening to music becomes easy with this.

You have to change the batteries – a lot

Price is always a factor in terms of upgrading your hearing aids. You may think that updating your hearing aid will cost too much, but old antiquated hearing aids can be expensive as well. Analog devices need new batteries a lot. The costs will add up, especially if you have to replace batteries every day or more.

Old hearing aids can potentially spend more time getting repaired, also. Think of what a 1990 Chevy would be like and apply that concept to hearing aids. The costs of the continual repairs can get quickly out of hand.

You’re not able to hear at work

Research demonstrates that individuals with neglected hearing loss will earn less. Doesn’t it make sense then, that better hearing aids would be a career asset? You’ll hear your boss and customers clearer. You won’t have to worry about whether you’ll miss important information or guidelines.

Clearly, stronger communication means an enhanced quality of life, too. You’ll be able to communicate with people again. Dive in and connect with the people around you.

You want a smaller hearing aid

When you look in the mirror at your old hearing aid, what comes to mind? Clunky? Noticeable? OMG? Style and flexibility are some of the most compelling reasons to upgrade those outdated hearing aids. Modern hearing aids come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors. You can have one tucked into your ear so nobody will ever notice it, or you can make a fashion statement with a visible hearing aid in a color you love.

If you’re thinking about getting new hearing aids, or if you’re already wearing them but you’re not happy with the results, consider upgrading to a newer model. The things that contemporary technology has allowed hearing aids to do wasn’t even possible before. Call us today to discuss your options.

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