Hearing Health Blog

Woman with hearing loss gets hearing aid to slow down her dementia and completes a puzzle.

Taking care of your hearing loss can be helpful for your brain. At least, that’s according to a new study from a University of Manchester study team. These analysts examined a team of more than 2000 individuals over a time period of just about 2 decades (1996 to 2014). The surprising results? Dementia can be delayed by up to 75% by treating loss of hearing.

That’s a significant figure.

But is it actually that surprising? That’s not to take away from the weight of the finding, of course, this is an important statistical correlation between the battle against dementia and the treatment of hearing loss. But it coordinates well with what we currently know: as you get older, it’s essential to treat your loss of hearing if you want to delay cognitive decline.

What Does This Research on Dementia Mean For me?

Scientific studies can be inconsistent and confusing (should I eat eggs, shouldn’t I eat eggs? What about wine? Will drinking wine help me live longer?). There are countless unrelated reasons for this. The main point here is: this new research is yet further proof that indicates untreated hearing loss can lead to or worsen cognitive decline including dementia.

So what does this indicate for you? In some ways, it’s fairly simple: you should set up an appointment with us immediately if you’ve noticed any hearing loss. And you really should begin using that hearing aid as directed if you discover you need one.

When You Wear Them Correctly, Hearing Aids Can Help Forestall Dementia

Sadly, when people are prescribed with hearing aids, they don’t always instantly get into the habit of wearing them. Some of the reasons why are:

  • You’re anxious about how hearing aids look. Today, we have a lot of styles available which might amaze you. Also, many hearing aid styles are created to be very discreet.
  • The way that the hearing aid is advertised to work, doesn’t seem to be the way it’s currently working. Many people need to have their settings adjusted, and calibration problems are definitely something that can be addressed by our hearing specialists.
  • The hearing aid isn’t feeling as if it fits perfectly. If you are having this problem, please get in touch with us. They can fit better and we’re here to help.
  • It’s hard to understand voices. In some situations, it takes time for your brain to adjust to hearing voices again. There are things we can suggest, such as reading along with an audiobook, that can help make this endeavor easier.

Clearly using your hearing aids is crucial to your health and future mental faculties. We can help if you’re struggling with any of the above. Working with your hearing expert to make certain your hearing aids are working for you is just part of the process and it demands time and patience.

It’s more important than ever to take care of your hearing loss particularly in the light of the new evidence. Take the treatment seriously because hearing aids are defending your hearing and your mental health.

Dementia And Hearing Aids, What’s The Connection?, What’s The Connection?

So why are these two health conditions dementia and loss of hearing even associated to begin with? Analysts themselves aren’t exactly certain, but some theories are associated with social isolation. When dealing with loss of hearing, some people hide themselves away socially. Sensory stimulation is the foundation of another theory. All senses stimulate activity in the brain, and some experts theorize that losing stimulation can cause cognitive decline over a period of time.

You hear better with a hearing aid. And that can help keep your brain active, creating a more robust natural safeguard against dementia and cognitive decline. That’s why a link between the two should not be surprising and why hearing loss treatments can slow down dementia by as much as 75%.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.
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